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Spirit Guide 
Coaching -
Step Into Clarity

Divine Soul's Spirit Guide Coaching session offers a unique connection to your spirit guide team, providing you with succinct guidance to help you align with your intention. Kristy-lee is an experienced coach and an expert when working with our teams in spirit, together she will help you access the wisdom and insight of your spiritual team, allowing you to make meaningful and powerful shifts in your life.

"Close your eyes, there's a world in there , open your eyes there's a world out there too"

- Lorna Bevern 

Please Note: Divine Soul's Discover Your Divinity sessions are a prerequisite before embarking on this session.


Welcome to Divine Soul's

BRAND new session!


These sessions are designed to bring you greater clarity from your Team as you consciously create the life you want to lead.  


Conscious Creation


We are designed to manifest.  We are designed to live our life on purpose, and we can do that however we want.  As highly conscious human beings we know that the power of our intention is paramount to moving ourselves forward, sometimes we are really good at keeping our intentions aligned with who we are at soul level (aka our gifts and specialisations) and sometimes, not so much.  This is why in your very first session with me I talked about setting intentions and using your check list (refer back to your report under the ‘Going Within’ section) – that is designed to help you think about how you create and how to keep your intentions in alignment with who you are at soul level. 


Imagine then, if you will, the impact we could have on our manifestation process if we utilised a higher level of cosmic consciousness!  Yes, you guessed it – I am referring to the incredible beings of light – that we know affectionately as our spirit guide team.  


Our spirit guide team, our spiritual advisors – believe it or not we have already worked with these celestial beings; from the very point of your original session, we have been working with them, in fact – you have been working with them your whole life, you just may not have even be aware of it!


They assist in our progress upon our human journey, help guide us, give us clarity and reassurance even when we feel like we are doing life on our own.  Here’s the beautiful thing – we do not need to “work harder” to have this connection, it is already given.  We do not need to be “better” human beings for them for have a great experience being our guides. They love us unconditionally and are already serving their own divine self-expression by being in service to us.  Here is the absolute bonus though – there is no obligation that flows between us and them, we can choose to follow any guidance they have for us – or not, either way is fine, and all is completely valid. 



What to Expect:


  • Intentions: You MUST state your intentions before the session takes place – I will send out a form before EVERY session for you to complete and return to me 24 hours before our call takes place. We want to move from point A to point B and we’ll do this guided by what intentions you set.

  • Sessions are designed to be weekly or Bi-monthly – this will be governed by you actually doing your homework.  If you do not complete on any actions that need to be taken there will be no new guidance available from your Team. 

  • If it becomes apparent that you have energetic blocks stopping your progress, we will need to do a round of clearing to sort this out.  Remember our goal is to take you from where you are right now to where you want to get to and sometimes, we must clear some karmic patterns to do this, this will be directed by your Team.

  • These sessions are guidance sessions – they are no “do this or do that” sessions. We interpret the information that comes through and then make actionable steps for you to take to move you forward.  You therefore are the one in charge of making your own plan – not your team. 

  • Included in the session price is ongoing support to help you integrate the actions that you need to take.  If you encounter fear and resistance, then we will work through that together. 

  • Please bring a note pad and a pen as there are NO written reports with these sessions - I am channelling your Team whilst you are with me on Zoom.

  • Every session is recorded, so if you miss something you can go back and rewatch it.

  • Homework – this is created during the session.

  • Each session is up to 30 minutes in duration.  Short and sweet, so don’t get in the way of you consciously creating!


My Responsibility Within These Sessions:


  • As with all my sessions I uphold at all times the fact that you are a powerful creator in your own right and therefore you have 100% freewill to create as you see fit. 

  • I will always hold a space for you that is non-judgemental and sacred. 

  • I will send out your recording within four hours of your session and ensure I have emailed out to you your pre-session form 48 hours before the start of each session.


Session Price:  £30 for a single session OR £110 for a block of four booked at one time


Please Note: There is currently around a three week wait before your session will take place.  Upon booking the Spirit Guide Coaching Session Kristy-lee will contact you via email to book you in and gather a small amount of information necessary to create your reading.

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