Meet Kristy-lee
Certified Advanced Soul Realignment® Practitioner & Spiritual Life Coach
Bonjour, Ciao, Hallo, Hello, Hej!
I warmly welcome you to Divine Soul, I am so pleased you stopped by!
I'm Kristy-lee, CEO, CFO, Head Administrator, Solopreneur, Healer, Intuitive, Psychic, Mother to my beautiful teenage daughter, owner of two rescue dogs and three rather pampered backyard hens!
We wear a lot of hats these days don't we! In essence, I am an expression of the Divine, just as you are. Here to co-create in partnership with that beautiful creative energy that we sometimes call God or Goddess or simply - as I do, The Divine.
My route to get to where I am now, like most of us in the role of coaching, teaching, empowering, has not been plain sailing, and also like so many people (maybe you can see yourself in this) I found myself, my Divine Self-Expression when I was at a very low point in my life.
When everything felt bleak and desolate this beautiful healing modality found its way into my life, as if by chance. I can't recall the exact way it landed in my lap but the path that unfolded after taking a few tentative steps has been nothing short of miraculous.
I found my voice, I found my spark and I found the truth of who I am. Not the version that I had created to keep me small and safe, but the real expansive version of myself - the essence of who I am at soul level.
It is my mission within Divine Soul to guide those forward that want to step into their Divinity, harnessing the intuitive modality of Soul Realignment®, reconnecting clients with their Divine Self-Expression, enabling them to create the life that they know they are here to lead.
There are moments in our lives when we hit a brick wall, no matter how much we try and hurl ourselves over it, knock it down or skirt around it just seems immovable and utterly impossible.
Sometimes we get to the point in our lives when everything crumbles around us and we are left with very little, feeling like there has to be more.
Maybe we reach a point where we are absolutely sure that we aren't being who we were born to be.
These situations are all part of our human existence but that doesn't mean that we should not seek the answers that will create light, love, abundance and a sense of connection. In fact, there has never been a safer time in history to seek and find the answers to these questions.
This is where Soul Realignment® comes into its own. An intuitive healing, wisdom-based modality harnessing the Akashic Records to unlock our true Divine potential and clear any negative karmic patterns that we may have been carrying with us for many past lives.
Every single one of us has an array of beautiful gifts that we have been blessed with, tapping into these gifts at soul-level enables us to truly live within our own divinity and create the life we truly desire.
As a Soul Realignment® Practitioner it is my gift to help you realign your life with who you are at soul-level. It's about helping you discover your gifts and how to live your most soul-filled life. You'll be given the tools and the knowledge of how to step out into your divinity during your everyday life.
Oh and I nearly forgot, my last 'hat' - chief hand-holder, lovingly guiding and holding space for those of us that are deep in transformation.
Big love,
Kristy-lee xox